Wo-Mum Concept, Jaroslava Šnejdarová


One thing we really love about our job is that we constantly get to talk to kind people with great ideas. One of them is Jaroslava Šnejdarová, founder and designer of Czech sustainable fashion brand WO-MUM. The label has a strong focus on comfy yet fashionable clothing for expectant mothers - and does a really great job at that!  Get ready for out interview with Jaroslava.


When was the label founded and what was the deciding factor? 

WO-MUM was founded in 2019 originally as maternity clothing but it has grown a lot together with my kids. The deciding factor was a combination of my passion for fashion and a growing concern for the environment. I wanted to create a brand that not only offered stylish and unique clothing but also prioritized sustainability and ethical practices. Around WO-MUM has been growing a nice community of women who are really supportive one for each other.

Do you sell your pieces online or can you also be found offline - at markets, in shops or with your own shop? 

Currently, we primarily operate online through our e-commerce platform. However, we've also started exploring opportunities to showcase our collections at sustainable fashion events and pop-up places.


Fashion for expecant women


How is the sustainable fashion world in your home country of Czech Republic? Can you observe a shift towards more sustainability, both in terms of purchases and public conversations about it? 

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards sustainability in the Czech Republic's fashion industry. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental and ethical implications of their purchases. They are seeking out sustainable brands, which is encouraging. Public conversations have also played a role in raising awareness, with more discussions around eco-friendly fashion choices and practices.

What difficulties do you always have to deal with - and more importantly: how do you solve them? 

Sustainability in fashion does come with its challenges. Sourcing eco-friendly materials can sometimes be more time-consuming and costly. Additionally, ensuring fair wages and ethical working conditions for our production partners is a priority but can be logistically complex. We address these challenges through diligent research to find reliable, sustainable suppliers, and by fostering strong relationships with our partners. It's an ongoing commitment, but it aligns with our values.




What does sustainability mean to you - at work, but also in your private life? 

Sustainability, to me, is a way of life. In my work, it means making conscious choices that minimize harm to the environment and support ethical practices. In my private life, it extends to reducing my personal carbon footprint, supporting sustainable brands, and actively seeking ways to protect the planet for future generations.

How important are collaborations or cooperations for you? How important is exchange and networking with others for you?

Collaboration and networking are incredibly important for us. They allow us to tap into the collective knowledge and creativity of the fashion community. Collaborations with other designers, influencers, and sustainable organizations help us reach new audiences and amplify our message. It's a way to collectively drive positive change in the industry, and we value these connections deeply.

Thanks so much for your time and for sharing your insights!